Let's Make This Fun!
Thank you Bruster's and the LeafSpring School!
LeafSpring has offered the space to Pieces by Peaces for Literacy.
The newest addition to the literacy project involves the permission to use another space so different areas and families can be served. Peace by Pieces for Literacy is so grateful to run another free session at the LeafSpring School on (email for that info) in the afternoon (before the 3-4 PM session in Chester).
Credentials? Read Ignite Tutoring!
I am a literacy tutor for a literacy intervention company known as Ignite. Schools around the US hire this company to catch their students up! Outside of teaching preschool, this is what I do in between my split shift work schedule!
So why not admin work?
Half way through my degree, I realized what I really wanted to do for education (and also what I really didn't want to do). By that point, I was already too far in monetarily and time wise, so I finished the Ed. D out of principle. My Capstone was with The Community Foundation for a Greater Richmond planning an outline for the VA Literacy Coalition's future operations; our focus was on 0-5 Literacy Intervention.
What's the process like?
Sign your kiddo in via text (doing so provides emergency contact info, picture permission, etc.). Say a quick goodbye and come back in an hour. It's important to arrive on time because we have a great deal to fit into that sixty minute time frame!
Another step in the process...
Pick up your kiddo and sign them out in the same text you signed in on. Take everything home! Ex. Books from the "Read Robot's Little Free Library" (and any literacy/art activities from the session that day)!
And you continue the process at home too!
Doc will send a text to explain what we did and how you can expand on that through conversation with your little. Some at home activities are sent home too! Communication is key for literacy development, and content will be provided to support you and your kiddo.